Galaxies Messier 95 & 96
(Click on Picture for larger view)

Added April 4, 2021 ...
Two Additional Galaxies in Leo ... M95 & M96 Besides the famous triplet of galaxies in Leo ... M65, M66, and NGC 3628 (Hamburger), there are additional galaxies within the boundary of this constellation. These two, M 95 & M 96 are about 32.5 million light-years away and 31 million light-years, respectively. M95 contains about 40 billion stars and M96 about 100 billion (as compared to our own Milky Way galaxy containing about 250 billion). If you look hard enough on the far right side of M 96, you can see a yellow edge-on galaxy that must be well over 100 million light-years from us.

That Techy Stuff for those who want to know:
Telescope: Orion EON 130mm Triplet (f/7)
Mount: Celestron AVX
Camera: Altair Astro Hypercam 294c ... Sensor temp: -10°C
Capture Software: N.I.N.A.
40 subframes @ 180sec each (2 hours)
Camera gain: 450 with the offset at 20
Calibration frames: Darks, Flats, and Dark-Flats

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